"Take motherhood at your own pace, you are everything to your baby"

Fundación eCare Acompaña, por Elisabeth d'Ornano - Como nos gustaría acompañarte en esta web

how we would like to accompany you

Years ago I had a child with ADHD. This presented me with a challenge and motivated me to set up an association to help other children with this disorder.

Through the association's work we realised that if greater care was taken right at the beginning of life it was possible to prevent ADHD. That is why I decided to set up the eCare Acompaña Foundation.
The Foundation aims to explain how right from early pregnancy our emotions are transmitted to the baby. The Foundation helps future mothers by empowering them to feel able to create an emotional connection that benefits the baby whilst still in the womb.

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What place does the arrival of a baby have in your life?
Are you at peace with it?
If you are not at peace, can you do something about it?
Have you really considered the responsibility that comes with being a mother?
Do you see yourself connecting regularly with your baby?

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